My new obsessions and more things.

Okay a few days ago I heard about this band call TOKIO HOTEL. ANd I totally ingored it. But know I love them. But you know the weird thing is? I always do that. LIke I said before I used to like the Disney Channel Band The JOnas Brothers, And you know what? A few weeks before I really started noticing them I totally ignored them. I saw the music video for Poor Unfortunate Souls and I hated them. Then when Year 3000 and Hold on came out I was totally in love with them. (at that time I heard of MCR and ignored them) Then later when I heard WElcome to the black Parade I totally fell in love with MCR. ANd you know what? I never would if it werent for my bus buddy Nadia. Even if you hate yourself for telling me about them I dont. Oh and it doesnt get any weirder than that. Now that I think about it last summer I heard all the preppies sing this:
"Oh, well imagine; as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor,
and I can't help but to hear, no I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words.
"What a beautiful wedding!, What a beautiful wedding!" says a bridesmaid to a waiter.
"Ah yes, but what a shame, what a shame, the poor groom's bride is a-"
Yes. And guess what? I ignored Panic! at that time too. I have problems. And now guess what? I'm obsessed with all these bands that I ignored and turned my back on. Weird. Anyways.....

I was wacthing Parental Control yesterday because I recorded it from the day before and guess who was on it? HANNAH BETH! I screamed my poor lungs out when I say her. When I showed my mom she thought It was my cousin who look a whole lot like Miss Hannah Beth. But it wasnt Liz. It was Hb. I'm glad she won but I talked to her on buzznet and she said she didnt even saw the guy after that episode.

SO yeah. And I'm thinking of either making a TH story or another Panic! one or both... hmm. Help me out here!
August 1st, 2007 at 10:30pm