i nearly lost him last night .. =[

he said to me that he thinks he should just leave me alone and never talk to me again because he thinks hes being a really shit friend to me.
then he signed of msn,i thought he blocked me and i started crying alot.
then he came back on and hes like why dont you want me to leave you huh?
i told him because hes one of the only things keeping me alive and i love him.
and he said sorry and that he loved me ect.
and i believed it,hes my best friend, why wouldnt i believe it?.
but the only thing is, he hasnt been a great friend to me lately and ive been rubbing that in his face, saying things in myspace bulletins refering to him.
and gah last nght was to much,i had to tell him i never ment any of it because i didnt want to loose him.
and i feel like its going to happen again tonight or tomorrow and im about to cry.
..i dont want to loose him....gahfuck

on a brighter note, im going to marilyn manson, yaya..

August 2nd, 2007 at 03:34pm