Yet another Guardians thing

Same as the one before:

OOC: The donkey-rooster thing was a stroke of genius. Sometimes I rock so hard -^^-


“KEEF?” Ty called into the rubbish bin. He heard Carlton tut quietly. Well, he COULD HAVE BEEN in there! Ty heard someone swivel around and run.


Fine. Ditch Ty. He would keep on looking for Keith. Then he’d be a hero and every one would think he’s awesome. Then they’d do what he wanted. Then Sam would cry at the sight of Ty’s awesomeness. And Ty would continue to radiate awesomeness, and Sam would cry more. That would be sooo good.

More footfalls came from opposite end of the hallway: One slow, steady, and rhythmic, the other hasty and a little bit like a gallop. Ty strained to look on both side of the room at the same time, but accepting that his eyes were not like those really creepy lizard that the snake man brought in one day’s he looked to the runner- it was Keith. “KEEF!’ he yelled happily. “CARLTON, OVER THERE-” He pointed to the boy in question, “WANTS TO SEE YOU!”

YES! Awesomeness rained upon him in his mind.

He looked to the other, walking kid. It was that emotionless kid. He was shuffling along slowly. He had gone past Carlton, who was talking to Hanna. Keith was running blindly, not really caring about anyone in his way. Wait, Ty knew this calculation-

Running with eyes closed + wall = SMASH.

Maybe the same principle applied.
August 3rd, 2007 at 11:49am