LG15 Theories?!?

The fact that "Season One" is over and Bre is well, DEAD, what do you think Season two will hold for our minor minds to conseal.
I pretty much think that Spencer has MUCH to do with what might happen next season.

"Dry Wit"

That maybe its a quest tot find out how she died or who kiled her or something, and many untold and suprising secrets will be unfolded.

"Batteries not included"

So yeah, what do you think may happen.
And pleaee, if you are going to post "ZOMG! LG15 is sooo ghey. Ur a l0z3r f0r l!k!ng !t." Dont post.
I hate you for even thinking that.

Otherwise, please share your thoughts.
Cause I know some of you are itching to tell what you think, and your dog wont listen anymore.

August 4th, 2007 at 09:46am