ok so this is like my first ever journal and it's posted 2 days late but oh well!
MCR november 15th live in concert, THEE EXACT same day as my b-day.......couldnt get tickets!! proper emo'ed about it lol!! THEN my second dad (not step, my rents r still married he's just a second dad 2 me) come's into my work and is all like "Jen, did you get tickets for that concert you wanted to go to on you're birthday?" and i'm all "no!! we couldnt get tickets *pouts*" so then he smiles at me like the god damn chesire cat and is all "oh, thats good, i got you them for you're birthday suprize!" i was like "HELL FUCKING YEAH!"

I GET TO SEE MCR FOR THE THIRD TIME LIVE IN CONCERT AND ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think it's safe to say i'm one of the happiest people around right now!!

haha sorry thats so long and if you couldnt get tickets, im just sooooooooooo damn happy about it!!!!!!
much love
xoxo J
August 5th, 2007 at 11:56am