I skipped Yesterday

I always talk about how I can’t take defeat.
I must really be hung up on it.
But I never win.
Ironic isn’t it?
If real life is like the sitcoms why isn’t it funny?
Why can we find humor in another persons problems but take it personally when someone finds humor in our own misery?
Why can some people only be lovers but never friends?
Why do they say ‘Committed’ to a hospital?
Are you going to be faithful to that hospital and never go to another?
I’m going to commit myself to a bathroom and never use another.
Not really I just typed it before I could think about it.
Why do some people hate for other people to take pictures of them but they spend their spare time snapping photos of themselves?
Why don’t we spell ‘Photo’ ‘Foto’?
I hate spelling in all honesty.
I’ve already admitted to hating ‘Q’s.
If it’s tourist season why can’t we shoot them?
Why is it always tourist season here at home in Vegas?
Why do people find it so appealing to waste themselves in vice?
Why do they want to be just another body for this city to feed on?
Why don’t they realize Vegas is a vampire in it’s own way?
But you could never find eternal life in Vegas.
It sucks you dry then spits you out sending you back to your normal suburban life to regain some vital energy back into your system (money) so you can return only to have the same thing happen.
I love this town.
Another Ironic thing about me.
My city and me have a love/hate relationship.
I love the beauty in it, the sick and twisted beauty in being able to live here with out becoming food for the beast.
Like remora (I hope I spelled that right) on a shark, they stay on it and survive because of the shark and the sharks don’t eat them.
I hate it because of the vice that lives here the way that even a local can end up a nothing because the beast got the best of them.
I think these are starting to make more sense and my mind isn’t running as strangely as it did when I started.
Maybe I’m running out of things to say.

At home Fighting back the Beast
August 5th, 2007 at 07:36pm