My Poor Teeth.

Yes, Nabiki is finally back. Missed me, didn't ya? :3

I got new glasses. The front is black with two red dots on each side, and the rest is red except for the black gripper things. XD

Copy and paste it you lazy bum.

Nabiki also got braces this fine morning. The brackets are silver, and I got red rubber bands to match my glasses. (Red, black, and green are my fav colors)

Nabikis teeth hurt very much. D:
The orthodontist I go to has HUGE hands, and Nabiki has a small mouth, so Nabiki does not like her orthodontist very much when his hands are in her mouth. XD

His hands also smell like shaving cream all the time. Which is gross. D:

Thanks for listening to the constant ramblings. :3

August 7th, 2007 at 04:44am