Meh. I'm going to get too used to journaling in here, watch.

So yeah. I know I'm defeated.
I HATE that.
Oh well. I'll live.
I'll write later today after I get home from my walk.
But right now - I need a walk, after my sister answers my email. Maybe going for a long walk will help my mind. I'll go ahead and bring the cds... just for intertainment... I wonder if I have an clean shorts....Anywho!!
Going to go register tomorrow. Meh. Afterwards I'm going to hastings.
And that's basically it, on Rachel's plans for the week. Need to work on my life... oh well.
But yeah. This is short. Oh well.
Watch - I'll right here again today. After the walk.
But yeah - Now to go clear my mind of the stupid computer waves and my own life.
Oh. And on a random note, I read tarot. I think my cards just enjoy confusing me more...
That is all.

August 8th, 2007 at 11:57pm