ok i was just think i tell this one girl not to do something like say i want to die and then i bitch at her for saying that but. then again i feel like dieing right now and i bitch at her for like smoking and drinking and other things u know what i feel like im trying to run her life . i care anymore i hate my life right now its fucked up. im in love with this girl jen and i cant stand it anymore . i comment her and try to call her to talk to her but she wont respond or answer. its a pissing me off really bad and we said no matter what we will all ways be friends and im keeping that.i mean i want to ask her out but she will say..
A) i want to get my grades up and keep them up and i don't want drama
B) she doesn't like me anymore
C) she likes someone else more

The one who loves but is not loved back-
August 9th, 2007 at 07:06am