I was recently called a "teenie"...

[Another post that will be ignored.]

I wasn't offended as some of you would be.

We were talking about My Chemical Romance, and something about getting hitched with Gerard Way, and she's like, "You're a teenie. No offense. I don't hate you though."

Before I further explain my "teenieness" [sp? lol] I just want to say that I am a dedicated fan. I don't solely love them for their looks. Obviously, I love them for there music. They did infact save my life. And I am one of the most dedicated fans out there. :]

But yeah. I think I'm a teenie.

I like the guys in the band.

I think they're cute, and if one of them asked me to marry me, I wouldn't be like "Well, I'm not sure. I don't want to get in the way of your career, plus blah blah blah." No. I'd yell "FUCK YEAH." And I wouldn't be surprised if you would too.

If you have a crush on at least one or more of the members, then you're a teenie.

And really, unless you're a straight guy or a lesbian, I can't see why you wouldn't have at least a little crush on one of 'em. ;D

So yeah. To me, teenie isn't an insult to my character or my love of MCR. It's a compliment to MCR's looks! ;]

Though, I could be fucking up the whole meaning of teenie. I personally feel there are different degrees of teenieness. Juli says I'm a "dediteenie", meaning I'm a dedicated fan who loves the band for it's personality and music, and would die for them, but also thinks they're cute. :3

So I'm a girl. Sue me.

I think if you write fanfics, you have to be a bit of a teenie.
Especially romantic ones.
Cuz you can't really hear the music in the story, now can ya?
August 10th, 2007 at 10:51am