I need opinions...

yeah ive got readers...which i thank by the way

but I just don't like it.
i have this lenghthy plot out and it would take a while to get into

Plus its just another fan fic to add onto the collection of cliche stuff on here.
running away
gay sex

its all over this site.
Im working on more of an original story which I might put up here. Only thing is that if I do I doubt anyone will read it unless one of the names in it are frank, gerard, billy, ryan ect. yeah I shouldn't care if anyone is reading it or not, but i want feed back and I doubt I'd get such with something original.

so I dunno.
what do you guys think?
would anyone read it if it didn't involve a band?

Don't get me wrong...I love music but seriously...there's way too many stories involving green day, my chemical romance, panic!, ect. Just because I listen to them doesn't mean I should have to write about them.
August 13th, 2007 at 01:34am