He Bled All Over Me XD

So I went to the mall with my family, because my stupid little sister kept begging us to take her to the mall to buy a pair of shoes. I didn't really want to go, and nobody else did either, but we went anyway. So while she was at Journeyz, I went next door with my mom to Starting Line.

My little brother is sitting there whining because he wants go home. One second he's whining, the next second he was screaming.

There was blood gushing out of his nose 0_0. And I don't mean a little trickle of blood. I swear, it was like his nose was a faucet turned on full blast. His face was all covered in blood and he started jumping up and down and touching his nose, then touching me, then touching his nose again. He got blood all over my arms, on my shirt, and even on my new Etnies.

So there we were, in the middle of Starting Line, trying to calm a screaming boy with blood all over his clothes.

Inside, I was laughing. I dunno why it started to bleed. Maybe it's cause he picks his nose too much. Or maybe it's cause it was really hot that day and we had to spend 2 hours in a car without air conditioning. I blame my sister.

In the end, she didn't buy anything. I wanted to smack her.
August 13th, 2007 at 12:15pm