GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!!!!!-read this if you think your life is BAD

okay i just wanted to say that i have noticed that a lot of people on here are all like 'oh my life sucks, i'm would kill myself if it wasn't for.....*insert object/band/persons name here*'
well let me tell you something GET OVER YOURSELF. most of the time the only thing wrong in the persons life is that they are gay/bisexual....i mean my friend is bi and she doesn't care. if people say stuff to ytou about it you should already KNOW that they are stupid fucking cunts! why would you listen to them anyway? do not have the worst life ever so stop feeling sympathy for youself and stop trying to get overs to feel sympathy for you.
there are people out there who have no homes, no food, no family, no money, can't survive, or are dying form an illness. and all you can cry about is that someone called you a fag!

okay so i know some people on here get bullied.....but you can do something about it, you can tell someone. its not like you can't stop it. think of the children who get abused, raped, kid napped.....there life is 10000000 times worse. what about Madleine McKann, the girl who got kid napped....think of her parents.
you think your life sucks but usually its you whos making it suck. for example, self harming. HOW IS THAT SUPPOSE TO FUCKING HELP YOU? it just adds to your problems...!

sort your problems out instead of moaning about it. because normally the problems CAN be sorted out.
talk to me if you want.
much love

comments please.
August 14th, 2007 at 08:27pm