Projekt Revolution (AFTER THE CONCERT)

I wrote this around 2 am on August 12th about August 11th the day of which I went to Projekt Revolution.

Today was erm... special.

Okay... so... I stayed up till about 6 am and woke up at 9:40 am. So that left me with little sleep.

I had a short amount of time before I was to be picked up by Andy and his sister. That left me no time to get a pop tart or something to eat and I hadn't had like much of anything to drink either.

THENNN I went to a concert out in the hot hot sun with no food and hardly any liquid in my system. XP

Along the way to get in everyone was already sweating and my head was starting to pound.

Here I'll summon up the next hour or so. I felt sick to my stomach, dizzy, and weak. Reason? Dehydration.

Andy (being the GREAT boyfriend that he is!) took me all around the place to find a medical tent to where I could cool off. We found one and two people had been taken in for fainting and such from the god damn heat.

Another drunk guy came under the tent and cops found a bag of pills on him.

Kay well then we went into the amphitheater (had a tent type thing over top) and sat down with lots of other people to cool off.
Andy went to go buy concert t-shirts and I stayed where I was. Mindless Self Indulgence started to play so I tried to get to Andy but the crowd around the merch. stand was packed and he was in the middle so I just went to go see MSI by myself.

I stayed for a few songs (lead singer dude is funny x] ).

Found Andy again. We headed back to the amphitheater seeing as bands were supposed to start playing again in it. I got dehydrated again and saw spots, felt horribly close to puking, and had to sit down immediately.

Andy bought me a bottle of water x]

After I felt good enough we went ahead into the amp- w.e and sat down in our seats.

I sat through Julien-K (they're pretty good), Placebo (emo-pop kind of music. Okay.), HIM (you all know that. Don't like em), Taking Back Sunday (they were cool and the lead singer was good and twirling that mic!), and then MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!! (love love heart heart!), and Linkin Park (cool of course).

Okay so I mainly came to this concert to see My Chemical Romance right? And I had told Andy that I was probably gonna cry when I saw them. Well...
It was so... they were so... =]]]]]]]]]
It was worth the heat.
I used up all of my energy and sang to every song with as many words as I knew (2 songs I knew half).
I really love that band! Frank licked Gerards cheek too x]]]]]

Though Mikey wasn't there =[

After they were done I cried again. I absolutely am in LOVE with MCR! Not as much as Andy of course but... as close as I can be with a band!

Don't think I only paid attention to Gerard and Frank tho. Bob and Ray were awesome too =]
Mr. Fro man.

LP came .. that and I had wasted all my energy so I sat down most of the time for them. The light effects they had for them were awesome and they sounded as good in concert as they do on their CDs!

Gerard got all the boys in the crowd to take off their shirts. ;D

Andy didn't. But that's okay. I like his shirt.

Today was the best day in my life (besides Jan. 6. 07... when me and Andy got together!)

They gave me another reason to live today! =]]]]]
August 15th, 2007 at 11:49am