I'm back...

Yes, for the first time this summer, I'm home and I have internet access for more than four days. Choir camp was interesting... We had to analyze Bach fugues and chorales. Ugh. I think my head exploded, but I wouldn't know because I couldn't hear myself think over all the singing. That didn't matter, however, because Jim, voice teacher of death, terror, and seaweed would have finished me off anyway. I love choir =) A lot.

Ummm some of the best quotations from a camp filled with choir kids, conductors, pianists, voice teachers, and others of the mentally unsound variety:

Eric: "People with perfect pitch love the key D flat Major... it's so warm and... and... sexy."

Tziporah: "All we're doing is eating DEAD PEOPLE!!!"

Tziporah: "DEAD BABIES"

Eric: "Let's analyze Bach fugues... it's like a wild party."

Maddie: "...And pelvic thrust."

Michelle: "Something sensual... plus pants."

Cassie: "Choir boys are so hot... I hope I'm not pregnant by tomorrow!"

Jim: "I hate kids."

Yes my life is amazing. Choir is amazing. I am a geek. I get it. Go away before I start ranting. =)
August 16th, 2007 at 08:06am