Goddamn Homophobes

I was chilling at my friend's house after soccer practice today watching the local news with her and her mom. Around 5 her cousin walks in and we're all talking when a thing for American Idol comes on. Her cousin mentioned about how American Idol sucked this year. I don't watch the god forsaken show but out of curiosity I was about to ask if the singers were really that bad when he said "I mean come on that let the freaking gay guy on there!" He was about to say something about gays and the terrorist being connected when my buddy quickly changed the subject. I guess she saw I had the "You're a fucking moron."/angry look on my face.

Other than that he seemed like a nice guy but speaking about another group of people like they're sub-human made me lose all respect I had for him before. The whole situation reminded me of something I heard in a war flick that I found to be quite wise: "Always treat a human being like a human being; you might be surprised at the results." More people need to become aquainted with that quote.
March 21st, 2007 at 04:11am