This is for those who have read my rant about MCR fans...

Listen...I know what its like being depressed. Fuck I have severe bipolar and have almost been arrested for it. I know how music can make you feel better, but it does NOT save your life. It's you decision whether or not to take those 24 pills or not. The music might help your decision. But if you really were suicidal, nothing would get in your way.

At the true suicidal state of mind you think of no one and nothing but yourself. You forget your friends, family, music, sports...EVERYTHING. How many of you can say you have really been there? I can say I have. Wanna know what stopped me? someone cutting the noose. Maybe I'm crazy...whatever. But I didn't even recognize my friend at the time. When she took me in her car I didn't even notice the music until she said something about it. REAL suicial people don't notice anything but themselves...and I hate to say it but thats what makes them seem selfish. It's not like they can help it though.

I can see if you were *sad* when you heard MCR. But depression is a completely differant thing. It's a clinical disease that only your doctor can perscribe. For god sakes...don't claim to be depressed unless you have an actual perscription. even then...why would you flaunt that? It's no ones business but your own. Yes that makes me sound hypocritical but I'm trying to make an example by personal experiance. I know the true suicidal state of mind. Maybe some of you have...maybe you haven't been. But don't lie and claim that you have, just for the attention.

If you're a fan of MCR then good for you. I am too. If their music helped you get over a rough patch then okay. That's not saving your life though. That's just helpinng you out a little bit. It's up to you whether or not you listen to the messages in the song. The music didn't save saved yourself.
August 19th, 2007 at 05:41am