First day of high school.

Homeroom was majorly boring. Going over dress code, lunch stuff, rules, the boring stuff we've been learning for nine years straight now.

Seconds period I have Spanish II Honors. I sat next to my friend Cassie and we talked a little bit about my MCR obsession. [[I had my folder, notebook, paper, and pencils =] ]] We got our lockers and found out they were far aw*y. So, we had them moved and now I can't remember where they are. =[[

Third period Biology Honors. BWAHAHAAH! Sorry. It makes me laugh. I read this wonderful story, House of Wolves and House Mastwer W*y is in it. He makes Biology amazing. Hahaha. And, I just got accepted into the story. Yeee! Our teacher made us introduce ourselves and tell what we did during the summer. o.O Then, she gave us time to talk and I talked to my friend Chloe. We talked about elmo, seahorses, hair, halloween, etc. until the bell rang.

Fourth period American governemnt Honors. Teacher is weird, but funny and amazing. I sit across the room from one of my good friend Kaila, Cristine, and from my husband[[*sigh* I wish]].

Lunch fifth period was crazy. I got in line with Kaila and Helena but the line was too long so Helena and I decided to sit down. Ha! Most of the seats were taken where her friend were sitting. Some of them were sitting on each others laps. But one of them was nice enough to give me a seat. The whole time we put stickers on each other, talked about bands and styled Austin's hair. I remember two years ago when he was hanging out with all the people at our lunch table in gym class and he called me mentally retarded. Ha! He probably thinks I'm even more retarded because he hates My Chem and I had MCR everything today. But, he actually talked to me a few times. Some of the other people just stared at me for the whole period. Helena promised to introduce me tomorrow so I wouldn't be confused.

Sixth period English I Honors was intresting. My teacher told us stories. One was when she asked her student to move to the back of his row and he lifted the desks behind him to in front of himself and scooted back. Odd. And about when I girl was trying to pierce her bellybutton with a needle during her class. She started bleeding profusely but they got her help. And, a boy lit a girls santa hat on fire. lmao! I don't remember the last one, though she claimed it to be the best.

By seventh period Geometry Honors I was so bored of rules, procedures and syllabuses all day. So, I doodled on my syllabus the whole period. I could just feel the teacher looking at me. She kept giving me evil looks. That probably wasn't a good w*y to start the year off.

In sewing, we went over more class procedures, behavior, syllabus, blah blah blech! Then, she made us so a thing she did for her fashion design class. She had us trace these girls and change something about their outfit. *facepalm* I didn't even want to take sewing. Though, the girl I sit next to is pretty nice. I let her use my MCR pencil. It probably scared her.

The bell rang and I was first out the door. I met my sister and we went home. To food! Boy, was I starved.

I managed to not be late to any of my classes so I'm happy. And, it was a pretty good day. Amazing, even. =]]]]
August 21st, 2007 at 08:03am