Me and my bestiest friend, sexii cheese, made this up last night at like 11:00pm

If you don’t repost this within five minutes after you read it this will happen to you.












you will marry an unexpected lover, who is you complete and perfect march in every way. You will become so emersed and obsessed with the feelings you have for this person that when they are burned alive by a satanic occult that you go to try to kill they but they will cast a spell on you where your nose grows big and your fingers and toes grow small but your palms and feet stay the same size, so you go to hire every hit man in the nation to kill them but then the F.B.I. gets suspicious so they come and take you away and chain your itty bitty fingers and toes to the ceiling and torture you by making you listen to N*SYNC and you will hate it so much that you will go insane and start laughing so much that you will choke on your spit and die.






AND THEN Lance Bass takes his boyfriend Justin Timberlake to your pink and purple funeral!






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March 23rd, 2007 at 10:51am