OK! so i did all my school shoping online so i got a box with some shirts today and i was looking through it and trying everything on to make sure it all fit when i found the tinkerbell shirt i had ordered so i tried it on and it fit perfectly. but get this. at actualy started to shrink while i was wearing it! and it wouldn't streach or anything and i couldn't get the damn thing off! i'm dead serious, i'm not drunk or high or delusional in any way, it was the most messed up thing ever!

So i tried to get it off and i couldn't so my brother was walking by and he was like "what are you doing?" and i was like "THE SHIRT IS STRANGELING ME!" he just rolled his eyes and goes "wear a bigger shirt?" so i gave him the evil eye. so I FINALY get out of the damn shirt and i go online and hang out on well... here!

THEN my brother comes in and sais "I wanna play DDR" and i was like, OK? cuz he usualy ahtes it. so he starts playing and he's HORRIABLE! but it was SOOOO funny! he was actualy dancing like, normaly, and trying to do the foot movements and all so he finishes with a D and he goes to the showdown and he's at the one where you have to get perfect/great on the down arrows do he's gloatting about how easy it'll be and stuff and then he gets a Great on the FIRST one and fails it so he starts flipping out and starts destroying the game room and all and he hurt his middle finger (i think he broke it but he won't put ice on it cuz he thinks it'll hurt too much... loser...).

THEN!!!!!!!! my friend calls me and he's like "YOUR EX BOYFRIEND IS MAKING OUT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" and i was like "and that's MY problem? YOu know she throws herself at everything with a dick" so he starts freaking out at me because apparently if i hadn't broken up with him and declaired war against HER then they woldn't be making out right now! BUT it's not MY fault that he cheated on me with HER! grrr.... This guy is too quick to blame people... lol.

So how are you today?
August 23rd, 2007 at 06:28am