I'm 74% obsessed with My Chemical Romance

[x] You’re HAPPY that Gerard is engaged
[x] You know each band member’s full name
[x] You’re planning on celebrating international MCR day -23/07/07
[x] My Chemical Romance changed your life
[x] My Chemical Romance saved your life
[x] You own The Black Parade
[x] You own Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
[x] You own I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
[x] You are one of the MCRmy
[] You know the MCRmy chant- Gerard has called it ‘amazing’
[x] You don’t discriminate against new MCR fans- instead you welcome them.
[x] You don’t have anything against any of the band’s fiancée’s/wives
[x] You stay up late if they’re on TV
[x] Your heart leaps when you hear they’re playing in your home town
[x] You’ve seen them play live once
[] You’ve seen them play live twice
[] You’ve seen them play live three or more times
[x] You drawn either a thick black line across your eyes or black crosses, a la Frank and Gerard
[x] Red eyeshadow? Hot!
[x] You admire the Toro ‘fro
[] You’ve worn one of those Black Parade marching jackets
[x] Your screen name is MCR related
[x] You genuinely care about their health and well being
[] You’ve made something special for the band- and given it to them
[] You have watched Life on the Murder Scene once
[] You have watched Life on the Murder Scene twice or more
[x] You refer to Life on the Murder Scene as ‘LOTMS’
[] You can quote directly from LOTMS
[x] You own one item of band merchandise
[x] You own two or more items of band merchandise
[x] You wear your band merch at least once a week
[x] You celebrate their birthdays
[x] You despise MCR haters with a passion
[] You’ve dyed your hair black just like Gerard
[x] You support Bob Bryar’s solo project
[] You have met one or more members of the band
[] You own something signed by one or more members of the band
[] You have a picture of you and one or more members of the band
[x] You go on youtube and watch their old interviews
[] You own a pair of skeleton fingerless gloves
[] You’ve waited more than an hour after an MCR gig to try and meet the band
[x] You’ve queued for hours before an MCR gig so you can be in the front
[] Your myspace layout is somehow MCR related
[x] You’re missing Mikey and hope that he returns to the tour soon
[x] You read MCR fanfics
[x] You write MCR fanfics
[x]Gerard = Gee. Frank = Frankie
[x] You pity MCR fangirls, because there’s no way any of the band will marry a 14 year old girl
[] One of your myspace pics is MCR related- e.g lyrics written somewhere on your body, clothing, etc.
[x] You’re okay now - trust me.

multiply your answers by 2 and re post this as 'I'm __% obsessed with My Chemical Romance'
August 25th, 2007 at 02:45am