You dirty rotten!liksjblkgfjsdbAhhhhhhh!

I can't even explain how angry I am right now!
I'm a very compulsive person,
but I'm also very hungry. I started cooking food,
but my brother's friend invited people into my house,
not just people,
but people who don't even knock, just walk right into my house.
Now here's where the compulsive part lies,
I can't eat when there are strange people in my house,
I just can't.
And I have these weird people in my house now,
and I ran into my room to avoid them
and I have my food waiting for me all the way on the other side of the house,
but I can't eat until they leave.
I'm actually frustrated to the point of tears right now,
not just because of this,
but having this piled on top of all the other things that are happening.
I'm so angry!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhlibsdjhb;fskadj iuaeh;fuafags;iuhs;odiutboibdeuho!!!!!!!!!
August 25th, 2007 at 10:12am