Well then...Guy trouble...

Hiya there, I doubt you'll care XD or want ot know, but I have a need to rant my sweets!

4 guys like me,
i might like 2
im dating one and have been for a while
we dont talk or see eachother like used to =[
the other guy i might like really likes me
however theres no way for it because
one of my v.v.v.good mates really really really like him a lot

im on a break with my bf right now seeing if its better for us to be mates or continue dating...

i dont know how much i like the other guy but he seems to be v. interested =/

the other two guys are one a v.v.v.v.good mate...i dont want to spoil things and i dont love him that way
the other, other guy is someone i met out of school. hes always asking me to be his gf and he always tells me he loves me and is depressed without me...

this situation is really serious =[[[

HELP! =[
March 24th, 2007 at 06:33pm