Warped Tour 2007

Warped tour was AWESOME!!!!
We (my friends Katelyn and Brittany and Jenn who was the extremly cool person that took us over there.) Went to go see Chiodos and I nearly died because of my Clostrophobia.

Next Brittany And I went to see Killswitch Engage, who was Playing a Dio cover of Holy Diver

Then we went to see Drop Dead, Gorgeous and Soony Moore was on stage with DDG and Was awesome

I was Going to get a picture with Jeffree Star But I missed most of As I Lay Dying's set, so I ran all the way back to to the stage they were playing at. It was their Sound Guys' Birthday and Instead of the croud sining Happy Birthday, they had this HUGE circle pit around him. I wanted to go in there but some guy was in my way.

And Out of no where Avenged Sevenfold came on the stage next to the stage I was Already At. they played one of their new songs called "Almost Easy." It was Supposed to be a Suprise But It wasn't, but for me It was.

As I Lay Dying was having a Signing at 5:30 and A7X Finished at that time so we all ran to the booth they were at and we made it in time. I was the next person to go up and they left. I was so pissed for the rest of the day and I almost cried.

Then we went to find The Almost, I ran by a merch booth and I bought a shirt and we found The Almost and I made it to the front without getting sick. Some asian Guy was grinding on me and some other guy was pushing me and two girls behind me where grinding on me and lost my blance alot, but I t wasn't as bad As Chiodos because mt shorts were almost pulled off and I nearly lost my shoe. and some guy landed on my face and almost broke my nose.

Two girls during Amazing Because It Is were grinding on each other.
And this Couple on the ALID set kept making out during The Darkest Nights, which also pissed me off because I trying to watch the proformance not them making out.

Then We went to the stage BlesstheFall Was playing at because we lost Katelyn and they had the Wall of Death and that was really awesome.

Aaron Telling me that Jesus loves me and that he thought that I was beautiful made my day.

We Found Katelyn and had some guy take our picture and we went home.

That will be the BEST day of my entire life.
August 28th, 2007 at 12:27am