Dare I say what I'm feeling?

I'm feeling irritated. I can see how I want the book I'm writing to go and there at times I can get the words out but there are other times I can't and it's frustrating. I want to be able to just type what I want - to be able to put the scenes in my head onto paper without struggling but here I am struggling to get them out. Why haven't they invented a machine that just takes the scenes from your head and puts it to paper for you? I'd so invest in that, no lie. I enjoy writing I do but when the muse to get it done isn't there it doesn't help me much.

On a brighter note, I'm enjoying the new Mibba so far. It seems a bit new to really give a fair judgement on it. I like change so I'll embrace it either way. It'll take some time to get used to but so far it seems to be quiet nice.

Anyways, that's my babble for the day or maybe just the hour - who knows with me.
May 24th, 2012 at 02:13am