"Oh no, Don't Choke"- French Entry 2

Oh poor petite enfant, that is what my french teacher sarcastically says to this boy in my french class. At first, I am the top student in that class so I easily understood, but this boy that was only a few kids below me didn't, baffles me constantly with his bold headed stupidity. It amazes me how he got out of kindergarten..... Now don't get me wrong, this kid is intelligent, but not even my desperate friends would go out with him, neither would I, but I am not desperate. This kid has major problems though. He tries to almost make himself choke just to get attention to get out of class. I finally said it loud enough that I didn't think his mother paid enough attention to him as a child so he strives at pissing people off to get attention. Now don't get me wrong, I am usually not a bad person, I can be demonic inside, but I am usually not that way to others. This class is usually funny but I just think I was pissed at what my friend's boyfriend said to me...... But besides that, it was alright. I just wish I could remember that class more often but I space out due to emotional pain, so I will try to pay more attention to make sure I can catch the funny remarks this time.
May 24th, 2012 at 03:21am