New Mibba? Could be a good thing or a bad thing.

I just have to say I'm not real thrilled about the new set up of Mibba. I can see some good from this new set up but I can also see the negative because of the way it has some Facebook features now as well. The old Mibba had my stories set up in a way that it kept the stories I updated on certain days together and now they are all over the place. I would love that part of the new Mibba to go back to the old way. I'm debating about continuing my stories or just deleting them all and thinking long and hard about posting anymore on this new set up. I'm not the type to make a fancy layout and the new layout creator seems to want everything fancy. I liked the older way better. If there is a good thing about this please please let me know when you find it. My profile layout even went away and I loved the one I had. I just hope all the bugs get worked out or the old format comes back. I'm not big on changes but I try to keep an open mind. I worked with this site for a while tonight and I'm not thrilled with it and I'm still lost after reading all the posts I could about the new Mibba.

I don't understand the point system or the medal I now have on my page. I'm thinking the point system could be a bad thing but I'm not sure. Does it matter how many points you have? Will that make readers pick one author over another author? How do we get medals and what are they for? I would love to have an explanation for those as well.

I also don't like the way I see every time one of my friends has decided to list a book that they have read. The updates posted on there are great because it helps me keep track of their stories but if I don't talk to them it is kind of awkward to see when they post new pictures or what they like to read. I would like to have an option to pick what I want to see in that thread.

The recommendations could go either way. I can see how some stories would get more support while others don't get as much because no one hits the recommendation button. I enjoy writing and letting other people read a story that they like but now it seems like a popularity contest with people telling you to read a certain story or to keep track of a certain author. I'm hoping that I'm wrong and this is used to put stories out there that a person enjoys. I know it seems like I'm not happy with a lot of it but that isn't true.

I like the ideas of blogs instead of journals. You can post many different topics and get other opinions on something that is bothering you or just about a movie or an issue you have read about. This section really has me excited and I hope that in time I learn to set up a layout for my blogs. I just beg you all to be patient with me as I learn the new format for setting up a layout. I'm going to enjoy posting my thoughts in blog form and reading other people's opinion on the same topic.

So from here I'm just going to say that if you read my stories let me know if you want me to continue them or not. I haven't been getting much feedback anyway and I'm starting to feel like maybe no one is reading them but the few who comment or something is wrong. As of now my schedule is gone because of trying to learn the new site and with summer being here. I do a lot of things but I will try and update each story at least once a week if you would like for me to continue them. I have a lot of other story ideas that I would love to post on here but until I learn the new site it might be best if I waited until I can figure out how to do a few simple things on here. I look forward to your responses about whether or not you would like me to continue my stories or about the new Mibba and I will try and do what my readers want. Just please be patient with me as I try to learn the new set up so I can get back on track with everything.
May 24th, 2012 at 08:52am