I am so tired...

...that I’m having a really hard time controlling my body movements, but I promised Ryan he could play his video game until 4:30am (40 more minutes) even though I was ready to sleep when he got home.

People are probably thinking why I don’t just go to bed and let Ryan play since it’s just 40 minutes….well, I have really bad problems sleeping and I have to go to bed at the same time or after he does…never before. If I go to bed before he wakes me up getting into bed later (even if he’s as quiet as possible) and if I get woken up there is no going back to sleep for me. I’ve always been like this since I was tiny.

Hopefully Danny decides to sleep in tomorrow again and let me sleep. Lately it’s been amazing because Danny for the past week has slept until 12 or 1pm meaning I get to sleep that late too. Usually around that time I get woken up by the sound of him making his wake up sounds through the baby monitor.
May 24th, 2012 at 10:56am