This is horrid.

Why Mibba, why? As soon as I saw the banner I cringed. Honestly, this is just really awful.
I don't understand why Mibba couldn't just improve on what this site already had instead of changing practically everything and confusing the hell out of everyone. And as if the tacky banner or complicated navigation isn't bad enough, now everyone's profiles look the exact same. Isn't Mibba supposed to be about creativity and individuality? Now it's pretty much turning into a social networking site....
This is probably obvious, but I'm not happy at all. I've been here for a fairly long time and I am genuinely considering just leaving. No, I'm not going to 'get used to it' and this isn't because I don't like change. I usually love change, I think change can be a good thing. But this is a really bad change and I don't see the point in staying somewhere that I don't like anymore.
May 24th, 2012 at 09:46pm