Hello! Mr. Non-existent perfect man.

I have been watching some different drama lately like kdramas, spanish dramas, and the regular American ones. Through watching all of these I have realized some strange things. In many shows the girl falls for the horrible egotistical guy, instead of the sweet guy that has been helping them all through out the drama. This theme has happened in Boys Over Flowers, You're Beautiful, and countless others. Do we as women want a love that is rough and that sometimes borderlines in obsessive and possive ? Or is it that we just want a intense love that will knock our feet right out from under us ? No matter hard I have thought about this i have not been able to reach an answer. It is just to hard to reach an answer when each and every one of us are different.

Another thing about dramas is that finding men with qualities similar to those of the men in the dramas. I am not talking about traits that are impossible to find or ones that could only appear in a drama. I mean things like respecting the person you are with, being sweet, caring/loving , or something like that. I am not saying a total pansy of a guy but i am not saying a brute. It just seems that dramas highlight men that do not really exist outside of television. I believe that this fact is the reason why some of us women have unrealistic standards towards men. Dramas showd showcase more realistic men that have flaws, so that we do not spend our time as women looking for the non-existent perfect men.
May 24th, 2012 at 10:31pm