Don't Judge Mibba to soon! After all, is it really that bad?

Things change. Mibba is a thing and it has changed.
Welcome to the new site!
For those of you complaining, the Admin and Dujo realise that not everyone is going to like the new change (they've even said this in various different threads I've read through), however, I think they're probably getting bored of the endless stream of 'I HATE THE NEW MIBBA, IT'S TOTES RUINING MY CREATIVE VIBE!'
When I joined Mibba I thought it was about the reading and writing, since it is a creative writing site and all, so why are you all getting all wound up about the new layout? It's different yes. But how is this effecting your creative WRITING. I sincerely doubt that the new layout has jumped into your mind and said, 'Hey, I've changed sooo that means you have to change. No more writing for you.'
Before judging, screaming and pulling your hair out, why don't you give it a trial period of longer than two minutes, you might find that it's actually easier to use than you first thought. Still don't like it? Then make a calm suggestion on what you want changed. If things don't change? Then calmly delete your account, log out forever or burn you computer/laptop (not advisable but whatever floats your boat), but don't kick up a fuss about it on here because your complaining is doing absolutely nothing but fueling your own rage!
With that said, why don't you sit back and relax with a drink of your choice, maybe a biscuit or two, and have a browse around to find something pretty on here that you enjoy. (I personally enjoy what they've done with the poem section).
Goodbye :)
May 25th, 2012 at 12:56am