Something personal.

Dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it extremely difficult to read, write, and spell in your native languageā€”despite at least average intelligence.

I don't find out I was dyslexic in till I was 10, so must of my early school years, I thought I was stupid. (I still kinda do but that's just my low self esteem showing).
At the age of 10 I had the reading level of a first grader. I was always getting taken of class to go to the "special group". And then in forth grade they put me in the "stars" class, that where all the "stupid" kids go to when all hope is lost for them.
Over the years my reading and spelling have gotten a lot better. I still can't spell for shit but it's A LOT better.
But I still ended dropping out of school at a younger age then most.
Now I'm not proud of the fact I dropped out.Right now I'm study for my G.E.D.
What happen was school started to get to hard for me. I lost myself in it. But I just simply couldn't handle it.
I know I should have just dealt with it.

I was always told my dyslexic was gift , now that I'm getting older I'm starting to see how it is.
But I still have my doubts, and I always will.
Maybe I'm just using my dyslexic as an excuse.

This post isn't really about anything I just needed to get some stuff of my chest.
In a way I just wanted to explain myself.

- Vonn
May 25th, 2012 at 09:53am