All alone

Well let's see the guy that I love is on vacation and I can't stop thinking about him. I wonder if anyone really reades my blogs? Well it doesn't matter I like typing them and find it to be very fufilling. On top of that my very close firend set my up with this really nice guy and I'm not sure what to do. I don't really like him like him, but I enjoy his company. But he is so much different than the guy I love. Let's just say for agument sake the guy I love is Guy#1 and the guy my friend set me up with is Guy#2 and later on my ex Guy#3 will come into play. But Guy#1 doesn't live in the same place I do, so as you guessed it's a long distance thing. And I like thoes better because than I don't feel self-concious all the time and Guy#1 and I have known each other for what seems like forever. Me and Guy#1 dated but we are on a brake. I over think alot of things and me and Guy#1's relationship was one of thoes many things. We both still love each other but we can't tell the other how we feel over the phone but we can over the internet. Weird right? Guy#2 lives in my neighborhood and likes me but I don't know how I feel towards him. My brother says he doesn't like Guy#2 and that I can do better than that. He's funny. But Guy#2 has met my dad and my dad asked me how I feelss towards him because we were standing pretty close. I'm not sure how that equals anything but okay. And to top all this monontany off my ex Guy#3 is trying to get with me ever though he has a girlfriend. Me and Guy#3 have slept with each other boefore but he was single than and I made sure of it. Not trying to be a whore now. But yeah all that good stuff and I just found out I failed an important test and will have to take recovery class and test next year. It's half a year but it might get in the way of my plan to duel enroll. I have alot of people to talk to about alot of things but I wanted to put this out there and hopefully get some of your replyes. Be them good or bad I'm all ears.
May 25th, 2012 at 04:45pm