So yeah, dudes.

I haven't been on mibba in a while, considering I haven't really had the time to write anything new. I got a fanfiction account forever ago (okay, more like six or seven months ago, so pretty recently) so I could post my Zelda fanfictions on there... but my computer keeps crashing and deleting my word documents from my hard drive, ;_; so there's no point in trying right now. Not that that really has anything to do with Mibba, despite the fact that nobody reads Zelda fanfictions on here so yeah idk ._. I don't know where I was going with that. ANYWAY ----------- the school year is FINALLY coming to end soon! So I shall have more time to write over the summer (hopefully o.o ) and I can post stuff on here again! :D Yayyyy, happy days! So yeah I just thought I'd make this post to keep people who read my chatroom or anything else I've written (lolwut) in the loop, so to speak. I'm going to try to be on here more often sooooo.... yeah -w-
May 25th, 2012 at 10:41pm