Release the Bats!


-Gerard Way
-Said later in life by me about school

*Random, much?*

Anyway, we got a new kid, and his name is Tanner Howell, He's not half bad, he doesn't call me emo, and is buddies with my archenemy.
OOPS did I just say that out loud?
Yes. I did. I don't like him or anything, I'm just so fucking tired of people succumbing to her grasp.

In fact, one of my acquaintances, S, lost the love of her life to her. She told him that if she guessed who he liked, she'd tell him, who she liked. *loved* and she guessed the name of my archenemy, and he is in love with her!! Not my friend!! DAMN! I placed a placent hand on her sholder, we march down these corridors now, the broken, beaten and damned by her! Oh the rage I felt.

I can be cheated out of friendship, because I'm living in my head, and I have MCR, but NO ONE Should EVER EVER EVER be cheated out of love. My friend cried on my sholder, and I accepted her tears. She had alot of friends, she had a boyfriend, she broke up with him, and she had a LIFE. That motherfucking enemy of mine took it all away from her! Just like she did me! I was fucking happy! I SHOULD NEVER GIVE UP MY HAPPINESS!!! TO SUCCUMB!!!

My friend, S (name changed for privacy) cried, and cried that night. She was so in fucking love! I never experienced love, but it has to be powerful. I wanted to get a machine gun and put bullets through her!! I was so sad for her. To be removed of life, yet still living. S walked around the school, her eyes blank. The kid she loved, just looking at her, Here's what I wanted to say to both of them. (enemy and S's love)

"Do you know what you fucking did?! You just ripped apart another's fucking life! You robbed of me of my essence of sunshine, the sparkle in my eyes. But your promiscuous ways have removed someone of the love of thier life!! NO ONE should EVER take love! You are a monster! A fucking monster. I can get my happiness back, but she can never get the love of her life back. You ruined that! Thief!! Go fuck something. I know you would, the second you get a chance. Think about my evil words, and how they hurt you subconsicously. Fucking deal with it."

"She was in fucking love with you! The one you speak of just wants your purity! Not that you'd mind! You just hurt someone badly, reduced them to shreads of tearstreaks. Do you ever care? Die. Roll in a pit and die, because that's what you did to her."

Now, any questions to her evil monstrosity? The pain she caused? The hurt she's inflicted. The lives she's hurt and stole. The love she's reduced to shreds. She needs to be rid of. I want a lot of pain to rid of. I want love to find me.

Save me,
Get me the hell out of here.

I mean this, forever.

Gerard Way speaks wisely.

March 26th, 2007 at 12:09am