Shut Your Music, And Grow Music

Incoming... Rant alert!

So I wanted to make a new journal... whoops blog**
I have to get used to saying that now. Anyway, to talk about music. Well more directly to people who force you to listen to their taste in music, and it just pisses me the hell off when people do that.
I despise it when people bash you for listening to certain bands or musicians. I especially hate those who listen to one genre of music and just goes ahead and makes negative remarks about all other genres. For instance you listen to metal, but you have to say that rap sucks and it isn't considered music. Um excuse me shut the hell up, who made you the expert?
This rant was sparked by some comments I read on youtube while listening to music some dude was like "Ohh I listen to metallicaaa anyone who doesn't listen to metallica sucks and doesn't know real music"
I hope I'm making sense with this blog, but I just cannot stand people like that who think they know everything about music, but they go and make comments like that.
In my opinion it takes skill to be a musician and to be able to project your voice in different ranges, and to play instruments, even to mix sounds together.
Ah I don't know where I'm going with this, my brain's jumbled :P
May 26th, 2012 at 11:29pm