Trying to make a Comeback

I haven't written in years.. and it's so hard.

When I left this site originally, I was in my senior year of high school. I had stopped writing because for once, my reality was better than my dreams. I enjoyed living my life over writing. And then Roger and I broke up, and things got hard and complicated and senior year got weird.

And then I met Nelson, and went to college. I moved to Maryland, started over with people that didn't know me and struggled to maintain my relationship. And recently, I've started thinking again and writing again. Things with Nelson have gotten a little weary and we're working on things, but I've come back to a completely different Mibba.

Things have changed so much in the almost three years that I've been gone. A lot of the authors that I read and started with are gone, and a new, different generation had settled in.

Not saying that's bad! I miss how things were. I also feel like no one will enjoy what I post because it's not their style. I feel like what people are reading now is a lot different than what I write. I don't know where to look for readers... and don't think I write just to get readers/subscribers/comments. I love to read, I am always reading. I try to give everything a chance, if it piques my interest. I just want people who are interested and like the same stuff as I do to enjoy my writing.

I don't write for attention, I write for the enjoyment of others.

I don't know, this really was a ramble. I have so many chapters of different stories ready to be posted. I decided to rewrite "I Don't Love You" but I don't know how to go about it... After that I was going to post the prequel I wrote for it, and then edit the sequel "Just Don't Take Chances". I don't even know how to go about these things, I'm still lost with Mibba's new look but I'm learning.

I'm waiting for it to rain, so I can write.
May 27th, 2012 at 12:02am