New Mibba, New Me [Any Stories for Me?]

Today, I was reading through my old journal entries, and I realized how much I have changed since I wrote them. The interesting thing is the change hasn't been just a small change, but more like a metamorphosis. My journals were so dramatic and emotional. I talked about drama with my friends, boys, and my parents. I talked about cutting and crying all the time. After reading it I feel so glad that I'm not that person anymore. She's so different from who I am today. I'm so surprised at how much I've grown up in just a few short years. Looking back and reading those, I seemed like such an unhappy person, and I don't think I would ever classify myself as an unhappy person now.

It's so weird how much I completely changed. I think I've finally got enough confidence in myself to be my own person. Back then I think I was trying so hard to fit into a certain group or category that I seemed mix-matched and out of place everywhere I went. It's weird because I feel like everything about me has been taken from different aspects of who I am. However, now I feel like all the different pieces fit together and make sense, instead of awkwardly put together without much thought or intent as they were before. I think I'm finally happy and comfortable enough with who I am that I can be happy with everyone else.

All the drama regarding my friends and parents has seemed to dissipate. I think after I settled myself out, all my other problems unraveled completely. I feel like I finally have that perfect balance in my life. Well, after finals are over anyway.

I need some stories to read, guys!
Original fiction. Yes, please.
Chaptered are the best. <3
Fantasy is cool.
But so is real life oriented. (Is there a name for that genre?)
May 27th, 2012 at 09:11pm