The "Read 'Em Or Suffer" series...(Entry 68)

So today was my church's Memorial Day Service and I have to say I always that I love it when we do it. Okay, now something weird just happened: a flock of geese just flew past my house. Now usually I'm all fine with that seeing as I know what it is that they are actually doing, however not ONCE in my entire life have I ever heard a flock fly a night and the second weirdest part is that I had this...something (I suppose I'll call it that)...this something where it just didn't fit. Almost like in a horror movie where the lone girl is walking down a dark area where she shouldn't (and most of us are screaming at the screen to tell her so), then she just gets this "bad-shouldn't-be-here-shiver" and she starts running back where she came, but it's too late as the killer does something gruesome. I have no idea why that happened to me though. If I keep thinking about it, my brain will probably explode into the ceiling and walls. So let's instead get to that reos.

The sixty-eighth installment REOS is...
Dear Tommy by I'd.Be.Your.Tears (this is her final REOS for winning my FCS contest)

This story is actually completed with 52 chapters, 350 comments, 829 readers, 115 subscribers, original slash, 57045 word count, and is Rated NC-17. The eye-candy is that of original characters. The genre for this story is Romance and Teen. Seeing as the summary is short, I'll post half of the prologue...

Dear Tommy,

Is it really cliché to start this letter with the line, ‘if you’re reading this, I must no longer be around’? But even if it’s clichéd, it’s still true. It must be, because I would only have told you to find this letter if I knew my time was coming to an end. I wonder how much time I have after writing this…a year? A month? A week? But I’ll never know.

On the back of this letter is a list of 50 things. And I want you to do them, Tommy. I never did, and I wish I’d had the opportunity. But you have the opportunity, and I know you won't do them unless someone forces you to. So do this for me, Tommy. You don’t have to complete them in order, in fact, it’ll probably be easier if you don’t. But I want you to give it a shot. Do them, even if you don’t want to, because you’ll kick yourself if you suddenly realise you’ve run out of time.

Seeing as I've already mentioned some about the author in the last two entries, let's go straight to mentioning some of her other stories.

1) Dear Tommy
2) Shining Through with 2, 4, 75, 1, [word count will be after subs from now on], and 3473 {completed, slash, won first place to the contest it was for, original fiction, PG-13}
3) Please Don't Play With Fragile Hearts with 32, 175, 575, 76, and 38683 {completed, Rydon slash, NC-17, fanfiction}
4) His Royal Highness with 4, 102, 24, 3222 {WIP, co-write, NC-17, slash, original fiction}
5) Masquerade with 1, 5, 107, 0, and 2052 {completed, slash, original fiction, entered in two contests, PG}

Well, it's about time that I had finally finished this. Just wishing that I knew if anyone even really did read this or something. I had watched the movie Journey 2 the Mysterious Island and it actually made me want to read some Jules Verne. This is actually the first entry that will kick-start the new REOS videos. Pioneers of whatever age, I give you The Maine.
So until next time...
XOXO Nikii Nightmare

Disclaimers: You already know the drill, so don't try to sue me.

May 28th, 2012 at 06:09am