Run Away from Love!

Tonight, 12:50 am, 5/28/12 I got in a fight with my boyfriend. We have been dating for 1 year and 2 months. Some stupid fight but as soon as things get deep, he leaves. So i stay their crying because I've given my all to him, everything. Now, my trust is thin. So me balling my eyes out, starts jumping on the trampoline. I almost fell off and broke my neck. I tried to jump into the stars and get lost in them! Then, on my knees I realized you can't run from your problems, nor jump, nor walk. They always follow you. So now I'm writing this still trying to rid my problems! It's not working so well, but it's putting a block. And maybe by writing this things will get better or someone will read it and learn. I don't know what I hoped writing this exactly, maybe to actually vent. So Point is, there is no running or walking or jumping up/ away from your problems. I wish I could, it seems so easy for him. So I have a few questions for you.

Is it easy to run away for you?

Have you ever tried to get lost in the skies?

Is it healthy not to trust your lover anymore?

Why can't guys seem to show feelings? Now if your a guy reading this and are sentimental, this doesn't pertain to you. But would you know?
May 28th, 2012 at 07:38am