Soo "living in the Yolo,"....Who the came up with that seriously, I feel like it's just as dumb as the whole "That's what she said," thing. And it will probably taking even longer to get rid of. Don't get me wrong i think the idea of it is great just the name bugs me. The first person to tell me about this I thought they were saying yellow the whole time. My mind was like "Okay they are high if they want to live in a color." So now do you see how stupid it sounds.
It's great that people want to live in the moment and do crazy things that they wouldn't normally do but you have to be smart with it or you could lose yourself. Maybe this whole YOLO thing is so that people can find out who they really are, in a way it sorta helped me find myself but I just started so I'm not to sure on the matter.
What I'm trying to say is the name is stupid and maybe we should change it to something but i doubt everyone wants to haha, but the idea of you saying later in life "Yeah I tried it," is pretty awesome. I think everyone should have fun and make random choices and live life but you should live life with no regrets so don't lose yourself to this because you might not always find yourself again.
May 28th, 2012 at 01:09pm