I've come to the conclusion that...

Recently, I have come to the following conclusions : either a- i'm a very unlikeable person, or b-I annoy everyone really easily....and you want to know what makes me think this? Because of the following...
All of my best friends are ignoring me - at school, when I talk to them, they look beyond me, no eye contact, and answer monosyllabically ... great -_-
I mean, one of my best mates in the year below says that she is behaving in this way, because in a week or so (really don't know) i'll be leaving, so in which case, i'll be forgotten about.. thanks :(
None of my friends from anywhere else seem to respond to anything I say - i guess my constant wall posts, and commenting and such like, is doing me know favours, but its times like this I need them most, especailly when all my 'friends' at my own school are heartless, and these other friends from other schools are really not - they are the loveliest, kindest, and honest and most wonderfulist people on the earth! xx

But anyway, winge over -_-
May 28th, 2012 at 09:04pm