Good Day, Perhaps???

...and I really didn't do anything...

Regina Spektor's new album, What We Saw From the Cheap Seats, came out today, but I think I'll let my parents get it for me as a birthday present, since it's only in a couple of weeks. :))))
I love Regina Spektor. If you haven't listened to her, you should!


I've been watching alot of Melissa Villasenor videos on youtube lately. She's this cool comedian who can do really good impressions. She was on America's Got Talent last season I believe.

And I think I'm going to end this day...

with my butt parked on the couch...

playing Skyrim like the nerd girl I am. :)))

And maybe practice some more of my songs....but I think I'm killing/losing my voice. NOT GOOD!!!

Ooh, before I leave though...I need to fill you in on something else that's pretty chill.

So I've been wanting to play a show downtown or something...well, because I don't really have much of a fanbase and I need more experience performing.
and so I emailed this venue to see if could play there.
It's this really cool new place. My friend went and saw Switchfoot and The Rocket Summer there a few weeks ago.

I made this really good looking email:

"Hello there!

I was just taking a look on your site and saw in your FAQ section that you guys like to have locals play sometimes.

I'm very new to this "booking-my-own-show" kind of thing, but I have been wanting to get more involved with the music scene/my music here in Chattanooga. So, I guess what I am saying is what does it take to play at Track 29 and do you plan on having a local showcase anytime soon?

I'd love to play a show. I'm not the best and currently don't really have much of a fanbase, so I think it would be a good experience for me to let people listen to my music and also to sharpen my performance skills. I've only ever performed at church and/or school though.

I do have a single for sale online though if you want to listen to me in the clip provided on the following site:

It's called "Winterlude" and I wrote it it November 2011 and recorded it as part of a school senior project.

I also use the moniker "eye of innocence" with my music. Just a silly little name I made up when I first began playing piano. I use it because my last name is hard to pronounce/spell.

My single is also available on iTunes, Amazon, and Google.

The snippet should atleast give you a little idea of what I sound like/what kind of music I make.

My music probably has a style similar to that of Regina Spektor, Sarah McLachlan, and even Jack's Mannequin (my friend described me and my music once as "the female version of jack's mannequin")

Anyway, I hope to be able to play piano and sing my songs for you sometime in the future.

Please let me know if it is possible that I could play at Track 29 sometime!

Thanks so much!"

And FINALLY i got a response the other day!
I was so excited!

They let me know that there had been some shifts in management, so they haven't had any local showcases recently and attached a Booking Form for me to fill out!

I really hope I can play there soon! I've already been deciding which of my songs I'd like to play!

Anyways, I've filled out applications so I can get a summer job...but of course...
I really hope one of them does soon!

Have a good day and thanks to listening to me ramble randomnosities!
May 29th, 2012 at 11:51pm