Anyone Have a Time Machine?

Mind if I borrow it for a moment? Maybe you have the Doctor's cell number or something? Because I really need to go back in time right now. I'm such an awkward person. I'm warning you now, the story you are about to read is full of awkwardness, teen angst, and nervous giggling.

So, I was in English this afternoon. I told a group of my friends in my class that I'm going to Europe this summer during that period so two of them decided to remind me to get them souvenirs by writing all over my arms. After the period, I go walking down to history class with "GET ME A MINI BIG BEN IN LONDON" and the like all over my arms. I got into the classroom and went up to talk to my teacher about a missing assignment. He was already talking to a student so I was waiting behind this kid standing next to the desk in front of the whole class. This is when things start to get ugly.

There's this guy that sits up front right next to my history teacher's desk whom I kinda sorta have some affection for. We've known each other for ages and I've kinda just began to have feelings for him. I don't know if he feels the same or what, but that's not the point. After standing there for awhile, I notice him looking at my arm, so I looked in his direction and laughed a little. He chuckled at little and said "So, are you going to London this summer, by chance?" (Prepare for painfully awkward and disgusting) I like snort-giggled. Try to imagine how disgusting and horrible that sounds in your ear.


That's not even the end of it either. After my giggle-snort I developed an completely subtle twitch in my eye, while always involuntarily smiling like a serial killer.

So basically I looked like an idiot, especially since I failed to come up with a good comeback. All I said was "Pfft. No, REALLY?"


I need a time machine. So much for trying to squeeze a date out of him before school ends and I never see him again. I also have finals this week so I might as well just kill myself while I'm ahead.


1. Do you have a time machine? Can I use it?
2. Have you ever giggle-snorted?
3. How's your day been?
4. What's your favorite FML gif?
5. Are you currently taking finals?
May 30th, 2012 at 02:24am