
Why do us girls do it?
Especially when we are like 15-18 I think we need to start realising.. We don't need boyfriends, all they do is cause trouble and break your heart, hell it might feel amazing to have a wonderful boyfriend.. But let me ask you... How many people do you know that stayed with their boyfriend they met in high school?
Maybe your grandparents.. but wow.
These days guys want to impress their mates with the amount of girls they have slept with and how hot they were..
Gees guys! We aren't a competition..
Although we have to give guys a break because dahm some of us girls can cause a lot of heartbreak too!
Back in Queen Elizabeth 1's time women were thought of as things that came from Satan to seduce men!

What we should be doing in our time is finding our girlfriends for life! One of the best times in your life to do it is at high school!

Sorry about my ramble.. Thoughts?
May 30th, 2012 at 09:52am