Too many nights of lost sleep

Well it has started once again. I lost sleep over the poor conversation me and my ex had that night. I haven't talked to Guy#1 about what happened in our relationship till yesterday night but that was only because I talked to my best firend about it during our 6th period. All the things I wanted to tell him I couldn't bring myself to do it because I thought it would make me lok pathetic. But aside from being able to taslk to my best friend I went home and talked to my older sister. She really isn't but she acts like one and that's what our relationship is. Sisterly. la hermana mayor de- older sister. And I love her dearly and all that she has to tell me. She told me that I should just drop him and tell him to call me when he has something to talk about that is worth my time. I thought she was right but couldn't bring myself to say it last night. I keep thinking that Guy#1 will have an epiphanny and realize that I am too good to be let go. And he will want to hold me tight for as long as we both shall live. But when it came down to it I just told him I thought that he thinks 'loving' me is a game to he and that I am too naive or stupid to see it. I also thought he hated me and the reason why he doesn't react to my love the way he used to was because he was punishing me for the way I felt. Than he said he knew all of this before and that he felt like all he was doing was repeating himself to me. Wr took a break bcause he wanted to get away from me and how I over think things. Last night he said he gets thast over thinking things is something I can't help. There is more but I will add it later.
May 30th, 2012 at 01:51pm