Down Into The Lake

When I first published Down Into The Lake for a contest, I had thought I was done with it. Now look at me; over 2 years later, and I'm still editing, adding and changing things in it. I've actually changed the main character's name, once again. When I first wrote it, her name was Stella, then when I re-posted it after having edited it, her name was Bea. Now, and hopefully for the last time, I've changed it to Jayme. Yes, I know, it's not the original spelling of Jaime however, I rather like it like that.

All the changes that are being done to the Prologue – or as it use to be: a three-shot – of Down Into The Lake (title pending), I don't think I'm going to update the online version with all the changes. I'd like to keep them to myself until it's become a novel, and then you can be amazed (or disappointed) by all the changes, if you end up reading it. I'm finding a lot of spelling errors in it that I had thought I had fixed so I might just change that. When I have time. Honestly though, I like all my changes. I think I've actually made the beginning of the story a little better.

On another note, the end of the school year is rapidly approaching and I'm getting more and more excited for summer. I'm hoping to have a job but also a lot more time to write, so maybe I'll write a few one-shots to throw up on Mibba. We'll see; keep your eyes peeled.

Cheers and good luck on all your end-of-year exams!
May 31st, 2012 at 01:02am