New to Mibba :3 Thought I'd say hi...>.< & first thoughts!

Hello mibba people^^ Just joined and thought I'd say hi...

First thoughts are I'm happy that this site doesn't seem too user unfriendly :o The people [although I haven't spoken to any yet sadly :c] seem nice enough from the small amount of lurking I did around the site~

And from what I read I hear the site got a recent makeover? Looks nice to me :3 I had no problems really finding anything. Sure, I had to click around to find things, like this for example, but that would go for any person who joins a new site ._.

The site doesn't seem too strict in...I can't explain just seems like a nice environment xD So, yea, I like. ♥


I'm 18 years old currently and I'm a mix of Viet and Japanese. I only speak English and a few words of Vietnamese Japanese >.< I do try to find out things about my Japanese culture though^^

Mmm....I love cats! :3 Although sadly I'm allergic to my mom refuses to let me have one ;~; but as soon as I get my own place...hehe...Kitty paradise x3

I like food just like any other human, maybe a little more...:x

I'm friendly enough, at least that's what other people tell me~ So feel free to say hi^^ I'm mostly here to read and possible every now and then partake in some writing...but mostly, reading. to me if you want to know more, okay?^^ ♥
May 31st, 2012 at 03:33am