Could you give me your opinion on something?

Once again, have failed at putting photos on here...and the ones I uploaded earlier somehow disappeared??? I just made a youtube video where you can see them.

You can see the photos here:

Anyways, I like to make music. I have one single for sale on iTunes, Amazon, Google, etc.
You'll find the cover art for this under my photos.

I have two songs that I want to release as my next singles sometime in the future.
I know I probably shouldn't worry about cover art until I actually record them, but I guess I'm doing things out of order. (I have to figure out how I'm going to pay for the recordings first)

I would like "sleepy eye" to be my next single.
For my first song releases, I'm having this continuing theme surrounding nature and things, because I hope that these singles will be part of my first album, for which I want to record songs that have a lot of metaphors with nature and also lots of imagery.

So, I put up my cover idea for "sleepy eye"
It's a picture of a flower that just says "sleepy eye" on it.
Do you think I need to add my artist name to it?
I couldn't figure out where I would put it and for some reason the artwork seemed complete to me without it.

Next, my third single I plan to be "treetreetreepersonpersonperson"
This song uses alot of figure of speech to describe family situations.
Therefore, I wanted the cover to have a tree in it.
But I have come up with three ideas for album art, but am not sure which one I like best.
I lean more towards my second idea although.
The first idea features small black text with my artist name in the lower corner.
The second idea, which I find similar to the cover of my first single, features white text and black text, with the song title in white, and my artist name larger and higher up than the previous idea.
The third idea, is kind of kitschy and experimental. For some reason it reminds me alot of either the late 80s or 90s era, as the other ideas kinda of remind me of different eras as well. I like that element to them.

And perhaps on these ideas there are things you like and things you don't. I'd like to know that too.
I want your honest opinion.

I would really appreciate it if you would take the time to do this for me!
It would mean so much!


May 31st, 2012 at 04:36am