The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction

Please tell me I'm not the only one who has seen this video. I stumbled upon it a few days ago through Tumblr, and three days later I can watch it and crack up every time. It's just so...Ahh.
I guess I should probably link the video so you this know what I'm talking about.

So click here! to view The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction

If you're a fan of One Direction and have a sense of humor - and can spare twenty minutes to spare - you have to watch it! It's this "fan-fiction" where the boys are super heroes trying to save the pussycats from an evil villain called "Lord Faptaguise". There are so many moments where I'm just cracking up. It feels like it gets funnier every time I watch it...goodness. xD

I just had to share it with you guys who may not have seen it yet. It's just...great. It's great.

PS. Can you not preview your blogs before you post them? I have no idea of BB code works with these anymore. D: Oh well, let's just press submit and see what happens. :o

June 1st, 2012 at 02:22am